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Quality food

Nutrition is not just about food, it's about our relationship with food that matters. In my practice I like to use the holistic approach which takes into account your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and how to nourish ourselves from the inside out.

 Many cultures understand the importance of  not only eating fresh foods, but to also enjoy the process of making it, and the act of eating it. So many in our culture have an unhealthy relationship with food. Many of us today are eating out of convenience, comfort, or lack of awareness. How we feel about food makes a difference in how we look at the food we eat. You wouldn't put bad gas in your car. So why is it okay to put unhealthy food into our bodies?

Learning to have a new relationship with food is the first step to living a more healthy and balanced life, free from aches & pains, and overall low vitality. 

Taking this step towards health you will start to uncover the areas that might be hindering your overall wellness. Whether it be irritable gut, Type 1&2 diabetes, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, fibromyalgia, depression etc. It's all connected to how we treat our bodies and what we put in it for fuel. 


In the first consultation we will go over medical history, family history, dietary history, hobbies & interests, and  overall lifestyle. We will then come up with a plan that is tailored to your needs. Additional appointments will be decided and based on the plan designed specifically for you. 


Initial Consultation (90 minutes): $125

Follow-up Plans (45-55 minutes): $55




What is holistic nutrition? 

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